Digital Storytelling through Social Media Stories
If you are one of the 3.5 billion social media users, you’ve probably seen stories. Stories provide a unique opportunity to show your followers your real-life moments in a relatable format. Stories are used by businesses to show the human side of their brand, share their brand’s story, highlight products or share consecutive posts on a story. Organic stories can be seen by followers for 24 hours before they disappear, while purchased Story Ads can last as long as you set the campaign to run and can be optimized to best meet your business needs.
Hundreds of millions of eyes are on stories so Story Ads are becoming an essential way to interact with your customers and get your branded content out there. Creating visually engaging ads allow businesses to get their content in front of the consumer quickly and efficiently. The power of your story relies most on the strength of your content. Ads tell a story that captures the consumers attention without making them feel like they’re watching an advertisement.
Invest in creativity & engaging content creation when creating Story Ads. Although most may look simply created, the production value behind them is much higher. Let our production crews bring your story to life by entertaining, informing and educating consumers on your brand through stories.
The power of Web & Social Media Video is astounding! It’s the fastest way to share information around the World. More than 90% of Internet traffic consists of video content. Videos have proven to boost web traffic by 75%, and studies show that Internet users find videos more engaging and informative than reading text.
K2 Productions is comprised of award-winning storytellers who bring creative integrity, smart producing, and passion to every project. For over 17 years, we have created content that has been viewed by MILLIONS. K2 loves the art of video production and we thrive at producing media that entertains, informs, and connects viewers. Collaborate with K2 and EXPRESS YOURSELF through the power of video.